Raven Tarot
Hi! I'm Raven; musician, tarot reader, and jack of many trades.
My site is still in progress. :) If you find this, hello!
Raven Tarot
About Me
coming soon :)
Raven Tarot
Tarot Readings$40 - one hour meeting, sliding scale, no question limitMentorship Sessions
$40 - one on one tarot mentoring session (for anyone learning to read their own cards)
Raven Tarot
Frequently Asked Questions & Policies
Mostly anything! My top requested readings are yearly forecasts, career readings, and spiritual/soul check-ins. I do not have limits on spreads or number of cards during our session-- I'm happy to pull more cards and clarify as much as you feel is needed. Refer to "Off Limit Topics" for readings I will not do.
My style of reading is intuitive and predominantly explores philosophical concepts, rather than being spirituality based. I find that this makes tarot accessible and appropriate for all spiritual paths.
The real ability to accurately predict and shape the future comes from our intuition. The cards simply reflect what is already deep within us-- our feelings, desires, and aspirations. These factors give meaning to the possible outcomes that we can see in the present moment. Our consciousness processes more than we can be aware of in our day to day lives.
Tarot cards are magical-- they are like chapters in a book that align us to universal experiences and archetypes. In the case of getting a tarot reading from another person, both of our intuitive abilities work together to read the cards and connect these stories to our own paths.
Remember that messages from tarot reading cannot coerce you down one path or harm you in any way. They are meant to empower and remind you that you always have full autonomy to decide what choices are best for you.
I will not provide tarot readings for topics related to health, legal, financial, or serious relationship and safety concerns (DV/infidelity/divorce etc). I am always here to support you as best as I can, but it is not ethical or legal for me to give you advice on these matters. Please consult a certified professional who specializes in these areas.
Lastly-- tarot readings can be fun, but please be respectful and sincere with your questions. I do not read for entertainment only and I take your inquiries seriously. Thank you <3
Raven Tarot
Please follow these steps to book a reading with me:(coming soon)